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Img17.jpgHere you will find articles and book summaries concerning leadership, success, and personal growth.  These articles walk a fine line between Christian theology and success principles. I wrote them a number of years ago. A group of us would read the same passage from a book every day, and then we would exchange emails with our thoughts and observations. That's what these are. Consider this: Leaders are Readers. If you want success, you need to read.

The problem with success principles in the church is that we mislead believers into thinking that God wants us rich and successful by worldly standards, or that we can be influential using human skills instead of God's truth. God doesn't want us either rich or poor. He wants us to submit to his will, and to be content with whatever we have. Once we learn to do that, he'll show us how to use either riches or poverty for his purposes. Contentment doesn't mean complacency. We should always be willing to let go of who we are for who we must become, and where we are for where God would have us. I hope these articles encourage you to move on, and to grow.

Click Win Friends at the left for a review of How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Click Four Pillars for a review of Stu Weber's book, The Four Pillars of a Man's Heart.

Care Group Leadership - CJ Mahaney - Session 1 - Grace and the Adventure of Leadership (mp3)