dictionary defines a cult as a group of people bound together by their
devotion to an individual or a set of ideals. That could apply to
Christianity. It applies to any corporation with a dynamic president
and a mission statement. It would apply to the White House Staff and
political parties. Any personal development program is designed to
change the way a person thinks and behaves, otherwise there would be no
development. That does not mean it is brain-washing, or a cult. It is
education and discipleship unless it is done by coercion; and that can be physical, psychological, or
financial coercion. They promote an "us vs. them" mentality which
results in isolated and closely-supervised members. That's why Islamic Jihad
is a cult. The challenge of Islam is so pervasive
that it has its own page on this website.
are a community of like-minded people, called by God's grace, and
compelled only by his Spirit. But that's not true of a cult. The
articles on this page explain the difference between true Christianity
and cults, both in their teachings and in their discipleship
environments. Pay close attention. Some religious groups are not cults,
but they are not Christian either.