The Gospel - What
are the essential elements of the Christian Gospel that, if they are
understood and believed, will constitute saving faith? What are other
non-essential elements that may be true, and vital, but are not part of
saving faith? This page includes articles and Bible-studies that may
help you answer those questions and others.
Is election necessary to saving faith? What about the
Trinity? The extent of the atonement? The mode of baptism? Perseverance
the saints? Is the Gospel more than 'accepting
Jesus into your heart'?
Is it less than God's entire Plan of Redemption? Must
the gospel call include both sanctification
and justification (i.e. repent
and believe)?
you saved if you believed the gospel but never repented of your sins?
Do those who leave the church suddenly un-believe, or
did they never
believe? Did the gospel which they heard, somehow misrepresent the
truth? Was it a false gospel, or perhaps a bare emotional plea? Was it
an incomplete gospel? And how
would you know?