The origin,
nature, and condition of man - this topic deals with man's
spiritual condition, and his great need for Christ. The primary issue
contested among Christians is whether man is totally depraved and
without the ability or will to save himself, or only partly
incapacitated and thus universally capable of responding to the
Gospel. This issue touches on the sovereignty of God. If all
mankind is able to respond to the Gospel, but anyone is denied his or
her redemption by rejecting the gospel, then God is not sovereign
in our salvation. Instead, we are "wooed" more or less
successfully by the HS through the evangelist. If evangelism is always
successful, then why does God choose to woo some but not others? How is
this any different than Calvinism where the elect are predetermined? If
it's sometimes unsuccessful, then how can the HS be a pledge or
guarantee since he's occasionally impotent? (2Cor 5:5) Where then is
our eternal security? (Jn 10:28)
If Christ died for all
mankind, but redemption depends on our choice, then Christ actually
saved no one. He only obtained the possibility of salvation for
us. Our destiny is still in our own hands, just as it was under the
Law. Infants, the mentally incapacitated, and those who have not
heard the gospel, cannot understand what is at stake. Their
misperception or lack of opportunity means they will be lost, and God
is unable to save them. That puts their salvation in our
hands, both to get the Gospel to them, and to persuade them to accept
it, thereby enabling them to enter into the kingdom. I
believe this is a deadly heresy. It is ego-centric, destructive of
grace, discomforting to the elect, and contrary to Scripture. But
of course, it's very popular, especially under American
Individualism. Such ideas were denounced and refuted at the Synod of Dordt.