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Doctrines concerning the Church. This involves a number of aspects including church leadership, polity (organization and structure), missions (sometimes relegated to its own arena called missiology), equipping ministries, ordination, discipline and courts, worship, evangelism, and ecumenicalism. The relationship of parachurch and evangelistic organizations to local church bodies is also under the umbrella of ecclesiology. Ecclesiology is not denominationalism. Rather, denominationalism is one expression of ecclesiology.

Here's a strange take on Reformed Churches in the context of the whole Body of Christ
: What is Reformed? (CRCNA)

  • Three Pillars of the Church - Gross (illustration with lyrics to The Church's One Foundation)
  • In All Things, Charity - Ligonier (link) - on essential and non-essentials of the faith.
  • Alistair Begg Controversy - In support - Gross 135k
  • Alistair Begg Controversy - CT (link)
  • Contra Dominionism - Gross (no political solutions to spiritual maladies)
  • Women's Role in the Church

    Miscellaneous Articles

    Tithing in the NT

    Two Views of Worship: regulated and de-regulated

    1. Regulated - if the Bible doesn't specify it, don't do it, OR
    2. De-regulated - if the Bible doesn't prohibit it, have fun...

    Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals on Church Reform:

    1. Reforming Worship 30k
    2. Preaching Christ 25k
    3. Reforming Church Music 40k
    4. Reforming the Church Service 25k
    5. Rethinking Baptism 30k
    6. Rethinking Communion 25k
    7. Hymns - Too Spiritual? 35k
    8. Defense of Reformed Liturgy 25k
    9. Why Evangelicals Hate Liturgy 35k
    10. Finding a Church 35k
    11. Church Membership 30k