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Redemption through the Blood of Christ, or what Christ accomplished on the Cross.

Adoption - Angus Stewart 422k
The Redemptive Covenant - McMahon on Owen 65k
Hamartiology - Doctrines concerning Sin (link)
Separating Sin and Sinner - Gross 120k
Does God love the Sinner and Hate only His Sin? - John Gerstner (link)
For Whom Did Christ Die? - Charles Hodge (130k)
For Whom Did Christ Die? - Comparison (90k)
Turretin, Francis - Forensic Justification (115k)
Thoughts on the Assurance of Faith - Augustus Toplady (18k)
Infra, Sub, Supra-Lapsarianism -
Did God ordain the Fall?
Double-Predestination -
W. Rbt. Godfrey - Did God ordain some to hell? (link)
Election - Dying in Infancy - Storms (110k)
New Covenant Theology - J. Reisinger